Salary Negotiation During Recruitment Process | When & How | HR Administ
Most people know how to negotiate their next salary rise when they are in a job and can prove the value they are adding to an organisation, but they are not so sure about negotiating during the recruitment process. The main reason that people run into trouble at offer stage is usually because they are unhappy with one or more aspects of the offer — usually the salary — but are uncertain how to proceed.
Thus by preparing well & getting your timing right, you can step into this difficult conversation confidently. You need to understand that there is a correct time and place to have this discussion as well.
When To Negotiate Salary?
· Most people have a salary target in mind when they start looking for their next job, but you shouldn’t raise it when you first meet a hiring manager. The issue of salary is usually raised towards the end of your second interview if you are the preferred candidate — this is your ideal time to negotiate.
· If salary isn’t brought up, a job offer will be made verbally before a formal written offer is made. This verbal offer stage is the next best time to negotiate since you are now firmly positioned as the employer’s top choice.
How to negotiate ?
Please watch the below video to know more about these points.
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