Difficulties Faced By Human Resource Department During Pandemic
Pandemic situation is the most critical and difficult to handle situation for every individual.
But when we look up to the HR department of any organization, it is even more tragic.
Because, they are the ones completely responsible to handle all the situational changes happening around them, whether it be related to company policy changes, managing work from home culture, ensuring employee satisfaction, managing mental stress of their employees and many more such critical things.
In fact, if we go more deep, have we ever thought that even our HRs are also dealing with all these things for the first time and they are also categorized as employees like you and me.
Also, while managing all these new tasks and employees of their company, even they are also under immense pressure of completing assigned tasks on time, they can also suffer from mental stress.
So, here I have tried to list out 8 such major challenges that our fellow HR members are dealing with day and night, even while working from home.